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Voice of the customer report: Eye care pathway part 2

Insights into the lives of blind and partially sighted people in the UK and the issues that matter most to them. Key insights cover the eye care pathway and trends observed from doing one year of our tracker survey.

Key findings

  • Long waiting times are a source of frustration for people with sight loss, and delays can lead to preventable sight loss. Professionals would benefit from training to ensure they increase sensitivity when diagnosing, signpost to appropriate services, and understand the importance of the certification and registration process, and the benefits this unlocks for patients.
  • Many blind and partially sighted people struggle to vote independently – this is particularly true for those registered blind. There is a very strong desire to vote independently, but some lack confidence in the methods or tools available to help.
  • One year in, our Tracker survey has highlighted some positive trends, notably an increase in the number of people feeling in control of their shopping and also in the number of people feeling closer to others – both likely due to lockdown restrictions being in place the last time these questions were asked. However, we also notice some negative trends – fewer people are able to access information, eye care or support services.