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Advice for blind and partially sighted people during coronavirus
The devolved government and the community sector in Northern Ireland have mobilised so they can help people who need additional local support.
"Thank you for enabling me to shop safely and independently"
RNIB Northern Ireland has helped blind and partially sighted shoppers have safer access to groceries by working with local retailers.
Young football fan shoots 26,000 penalties to support RNIB Cymru
Tabitha Ryan, 12, from Merthyr, is completing 26,000 penalties and 26,000 keep-ups in her back garden as part of the nationwide 2.6 fundraising challenge.
Lockdown is impacting particularly severely on blind and partially sighted people, new survey finds
Difficulties in social distancing are adding to the stress many blind and partially sighted people are experiencing in getting access to basic shopping, a survey by the charity RNIB has found.
Social distancing having a devastating effect on blind and partially sighted people’s independence
Our new research shows social distancing is near-impossible for many blind and partially sighted people.
More good news for accessing groceries in NI
The Royal National Institute of Blind People (RNIB) has praised a local leading food retailer for the measures it is taking to support blind and partially sighted people during the coronavirus pandemic.