Eye tests explained

Regular eye tests are an important health check. Find out how to prepare for your appointment and feel confident about having an eye test.
In this section
Eye examinations
Most people should have their eyes tested at least once every two years.
Before your eye examination
Having an eye examination is an important health check for your eyes. Your optometrist will be able to tell you how often you need an eye test. Most people should have an eye examination every two years even if you have no problems with your vision.
During your eye examination
An eye examination with an optometrist is very straightforward. Your eye examination will probably last somewhere between 20 to 30 minutes.
After your eye examination
Your optometrist will always discuss the results of your eye examination with you. You may find it helpful to make notes or to ask the optometrist to write down key points, so that you may refer to them later.
Having an eye examination at home
If you or someone you care for are unable to leave home due to a physical or mental disability or illness, you could be eligible for an eye examination at home at least every two years, and more frequently if advised to do so by an optometrist or doctor.
Preparing for your appointment
Preparing for your appointment can help you get the most out of your time with your eye specialist. We’ve put together some useful tips to help you get ready for your appointment, whether you’ve had your eye test at the opticians or are waiting for your first appointment at the hospital.
Questions to ask at your appointment
This page has questions and tips to help you make the most of your time with the eye specialist and get answers about your eye health.