Cherry Tree Court
Specialist residential care provided by Jewish Blind & Disabled. There are 40 flats available: 32 one-bedroom flats and 8 two-bedroom flats. Facilities include a guest suite, laundry room, communal lounge with flat screen TV, library of books, music and video, CCTV, overnight carers, electric front doors, outside area and video entry.
- coffee mornings
- bingo nights
- quiz afternoons
- discussion groups
- lunch club
- speaker events
- Jewish festival celebrations
Local amenities:
- on several bus routes and near to Underground stations
- close to chemist, dentist, doctors, post office, shops and synagogues
- art class
- maintenance man
- shopping trips via minibus (twice a week)
- window cleaners
- gardeners
- mobile library (fortnightly)
Every flat and communal area is redecorated and renovated every seven years.
Services offered
- Social activities
- Support and wellbeing
- Housing and residential care
Contact details
- Address:
- Boakes Lane, Kingsbury, London, NW9 9AZ
- Phone:
- 020 8371 6611
- Email:
- [email protected]
- Web:
This organisation was verified on 27 March 2024
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