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Podcasts by the Health and Social Care Skills Development team

Our short podcasts are essential listening for health and social care professionals working in a clinical, care or home setting. We explore the challenges presented by sight loss for older people and adults with complex or additional support needs, and offer advice, support, tips and signposting to help.

Promoting eye health in older people

Winnie and Iain discuss the importance of caring for eye health and regular eye health checks.

Questions to ask at the eye exam

Iain and June discuss what questions to ask at an eye exam in order to get the most out of the appointment.

Supporting an adult with complex needs at an eye exam

Eye appointments can be very challenging for people with complex needs. June and Iain offer advice on how to prepare for these appointments, to make them easier for individuals.

Inclusive living environments and sight loss

David and Iain discuss how to apply quick and easy adjustments to help people with sight loss get the best out of their living environment.

Training courses for carers

You can download our training brochure here to find out more about the courses we offer and how to sign up.

“The information on the training was pitched brilliantly, the content was so informative and I feel I've learned a lot." - Hannah Keegan, Macular Society

Soundbites from training sessions

Are you short of time? Listen to a soundbite from one of our podcasts and learn something in 30 seconds!

June discusses when an eye appointment in the home might be appropriate, and how to prepare to avoid feeling flustered.

David talks about the benefits of good lighting for people living with sight loss.

June describes how to support a person with dementia, including how to help someone to wear their glasses.

Iain discusses the link between behaviours and sight loss in people with complex needs.

Learn about apps

Apps can be invaluable to people living with sight loss, but there so many for different purposes that it can be hard to know where to start. Linzi and Hannah explore what apps are, how they can be used for different activities and how to use them.

Vision and stroke podcasts

Stroke can have a significant impact on vision. Linzi talks about the impact of stroke on vision, what to look out for and who can help.