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Voice of the customer: BPSP's experiences and perceptions of technology

This report is part of our Voice of the Customer research programme, which consists of a regular survey and series of focus groups with around 400 blind and partially sighted people. This report looks at experiences and perceptions of technology.

Key findings

  • Technology influences all areas of life and is key to enabling blind and partially sighted people to carry out daily tasks independently, easily and with confidence – this includes accessing information, getting around and connecting with others.
  • Blind and partially sighted people feel fairly confident in using connected devices such as laptops, tablets, and smartphones but are having to self-teach and highlight limited opportunities for formal training.
  • Some blind and partially sighted people have concerns about being left behind as technology progresses, over-reliance on technology and the emotional toll when technology fails to work properly.
  • Cost and inaccessibility remain primary barriers to adopting new technology, with a desire for inclusive design and involvement in product development. Blind and partially sighted people look to organisations like RNIB to advocate for inclusive technology design and collaboration across industries.
  • Participants express mixed feelings about Artificial Intelligence (AI), with concerns about data privacy and a preference for human interaction in certain contexts.
  • Blind and partially sighted people have some reservations about AI, but are optimistic about its ability to enhance their lives.