Early reach research
Our early reach research helps ensure that there is emotional and practical support available at the point of diagnosis for anyone losing their sight.
Key findings
- Only 17 per cent of blind and partially sighted people experiencing sight loss in the UK were offered any form of emotional support in relation to their deteriorating vision.
- 21 per cent of people who are registered blind or partially sighted are “not very” or “not at all” satisfied with the information and advice they have received in the eye clinic over the years.
Most of the stats above are taken from My Voice, which is a valuable source of evidence of the experiences of blind and partially sighted people in relation to technology. Further research on this topic can be found below.
Eye Care Liaison Officer (ECLO) service UK Evaluation report
This report summarises key findings from our Patient Experience Questionnaire as well as Eye Care Support Service monitoring data collected between April 2020 and March 2021. It shows that ECLOs are central to the support and well-being of patients in eye clinics.
Demonstrating the impact and economic value of vision rehabilitation
This report identifies that the cost of providing vision rehabilitation is dwarfed by the financial benefits.
- Download the Demonstrating the impact and economic value of vision rehabilitation report.
Certification and registration of children and young people
This report looks at certification and registration in children and young people with Vision Impairment in England.
- Visit our children and young people section to download the Certification and registration of children and young people report and read the key findings.
Early intervention support in eye clinics
This report provides an overview of emotional and practical support in UK eye clinics for the year 2012/13. This is the first report that RNIB has published on early intervention services in the UK since 2007/08. The report concludes with a number of recommendations and supports our new "Hanging From a Thread" campaign briefing which is about protecting existing Eye Clinic Liaison Officer posts at risk of ending in 2014. The campaign also calls for sustainable funding for this vital service.
- Download the Early intervention support in eye clinics report and read the key findings.
Certification and registration processes
Certification and registration are important processes, which bring together health and social care for blind and partially sighted people. This research documents certification and registration processes from the perspective of professionals and patients, examining the relationship between health and social care and highlighting the related barriers and enablers.
- Download the Certification and Registration Processes report and read the key findings.
Low vision service model evaluation project (LOVESME)
This research investigates the benefits for people with visual impairment of an integrated low vision and rehabilitation pathway, determining whether this integrated approach has additional benefits for users, when compared to standard low vision and rehabilitation care.
- Download the Low vision service model evaluation project reports and read the key findings.
Low vision service outcomes
A report that investigates the benefits for of an integrated low vision and rehabilitation pathway, and to determine whether this integrated approach has additional benefits for users, to standard low vision and rehabilitation care. Published 2009.
- Download the Low vision service outcomes report and read the key findings.
Policy and reports hub
Find out information on our policy position statements, consultation responses and campaign reports.