Curriculum Framework for Children and Young People with Vision Impairment (CFVI)

We developed the Curriculum Framework for Children and Young People with Vision Impairment (CFVI) through extensive consultation with people working in the field of vision impairment education, parents and young people across the UK to support children and young people with vision impairment. We want all children and young people to access an appropriate and equitable education.
In this section
About the CFVI
The CFVI clarifies and defines the elements of specialist skill development, interventions and best practice support that are essential for children and young people with vision impairment.
Download the CFVI
Download the CFVI to support children and young people with vision impairment access an appropriate and equitable education.
Specialist resources and sensory support service documents
Access quality standards, specialist resources and guidance focusing on the key areas of the CFVI, to support the embedding of the CFVI within all settings.
Information for parents and carers
The CFVI can be used to enable parents and carers to understand the pathways of support for their child and the services which might be involved in providing support.
CFVI Policy and Campaigns
Find out more about our policy and campaign work focusing on ensuring that every child and young person with a vision impairment has equitable access to the specialist support they need.
CFVI Case studies
As part of our UK wide campaign, Unlocking Education for all, our partner organisations have captured five case study videos featuring blind or partially sighted children and young people.
CFVI For Young People
Learn more about our new CFVI resource currently being developed for young people and find out how a young person you know could join our CFVI Champions!
CFVI Resource Hub (RNIB Bookshare)
Visit the CFVI Resource Hub to start sharing and accessing resources from across the sector.