Focuses on how we can all work together to facilitate a more inclusive world for children and young people with vision impairment.
Specialist resources and sensory support service documents

Working with partners across the sector and the UK, we have developed a suite of PowerPoint resources focusing on the CFVI’s key areas. These resources can be used by specialists working with Children and Young People with Vision Impairment (CYPVI) in the field of VI education to support training to key stakeholders and to encourage and support the embedding of the CFVI within all settings.
On this page
CFVI specialist resources
An accompanying training manual gives an overview of their content, including key messages. It focuses on two of the PowerPoints in detail, providing annotations to highlight similarities across the design of slides for Areas 2-11. It also gives an annotation of the Area 1 resource, where the content is organised slightly differently. Finally, the manual explores how the resources might be customised by a presenter.
The resources below introduce each area and give examples of; potential barriers to facilitating inclusion for CYPVI, targeted intervention approaches we can draw upon to help reduce these, the opportunity to reflect on the social experiences and developmental paths of individual CYPVI, good practice principles for supporting CYPVI in education and links to useful resources/websites for each CFVI area. The overview introduces the CFVI detailing why it was developed, who it is intended to be used with and how it can be helpful to a range of stakeholders.
Focuses on senses and looks at why interventions to promote sensory development are important for CYPVI.
Recognises the importance of working with the child/young person to develop effective communication in formal and informal settings through specialist adjustments or adopting alternative or bespoke approaches to teaching.
Recognises the importance of working with CYPVI to develop their literacy skills and promote accessible learning environments.
Recognises the importance of teaching CYPVI to be able to navigate the world around them and move safely from one area to the next.
Recognises the importance of supporting CYPVI to develop the day-to-day skills they need in order to live as independent a life as possible.
Considers the teaching of methods CYPVI can use to access, manage and produce information as independently as possible.
Recognises the importance of CYPVI being provided with the training and opportunity to be able to use technology and equipment with as much independence as possible.
Recognises that CYPVI need targeted teaching to support the development of their mental and emotional resilience in a world that should be inclusive, as well as their mental, emotional, social and physical wellbeing.
Recognises the importance of supporting CYPVI to access and participate in a range of social, sport and leisure opportunities.
Recognises the importance of supporting CYPVI to prepare for their lives after compulsory education.
Guidance for customising your training presentation
The resources have been designed for use by specialist practitioners who work in vision impairment education (i.e. QTVIs and QRHS). As indicated in the training manual they are intended to be customised as required. An important distinction is made however between the content of the non-customisable slides and those that are explicitly labelled customisable. You should therefore retain the content of non-customisable slides within each PowerPoint, and where work on slides indicated as customisable is your own this should be clearly signalled as part of your training presentation. The training manual is not designed to be customised. Adherence to this guidance should ensure that the integrity of the resources is preserved.
If you have any questions or would like to get in touch, please email us at: [email protected].
Getting started with the CFVI: Sharing practice and experiences
This document provides a summary of participants’ responses in CPD undertaken during the academic year 2023-24. These CPD sessions focused on ‘Getting started with the Curriculum Framework for children and young people with Vision Impairment (CFVI) - Sharing Practice and Experiences’. This summative document draws together shared experience and practices, organising participants' responses into ways of working with the CFVI and brings together widely available resources that participants use in their work.
Future publications: Introducing the CFVI to non-specialists
We are currently in the process of producing a series of short guides for those working in education who are non-specialists in the field of vision impairment. There will be three guides - for teachers, for support staff working with students in a 1-2-1 capacity and for those in schools responsible for monitoring provision and planning around statutory and non-statutory documentation that reflect the needs of children and young people with vision impairment.
The guides are designed to support understanding of the vital role specialists and non-specialists working together have in the education of children and young people with vision impairment and will be available as Accessible PDFs for printing or sharing as electronic files.
NatSIP quality standards for sensory support services in England
The NatSIP Quality Standards for Sensory Support Services in England, 2016 Edition, has been updated to take account of changes in education policy and now also includes a useful appendix which shows how the quality standards and the Curriculum Framework for Children/Young people with Vision Impairment (CFVI) support one another and the vital work of sensory support teams.
You can view and download the new revised Quality Standards for Sensory Support Services in England from the Document library on the NatSIP website.
Useful articles and further reading
CFVI Article in the British Journal of Vision Impairment (BJVI)
Read our latest article published in the BJVI entitled: ‘Development of a new curriculum framework for children and young people with vision impairment: A United Kingdom consultation using the Delphi approach’ (Hewett, R., Douglas, G., McLinden, M., & James, L., 2023). It presents the research and development that underpins the CFVI. The CFVI promises a transformative contribution to UK policies and practice in ensuring CYPVI and their families will more easily be able to navigate complex education systems and secure equitable access to the services to which they are entitled.
This article is available online and is free to download from Sage Journals.