Resources on dementia and sight loss

Close-up image of a person's of hands clasped around another person's hands.
If you work in social care or are supporting someone with dementia you can find information on how to help them look after their eyes.
Our booklet on dementia and sight loss contains useful information for anyone living with dementia, or supporting someone with dementia.
As well as learning more about sight loss and dementia, you’ll find a handy checklist on identifying sight loss and everyday living solutions to support independence and help people to make the most of their sight. The Scotland version was updated in September 2020.
Dementia and eye health
We recommend that people have regular sight tests to check their vision and eye health. Sight tests are especially important for people with dementia because the symptoms of dementia might mask the symptoms of sight loss.
Communication and technology
We've produced a range of handy tip cards to help you to better support people living with dementia and sight loss. These cards provide helpful pointers for communicating with people with sight loss and dementia, including creating the optimum environment for communication and using all the senses to create multifaceted cues. There's also information on how technology can be used to support people with sight loss and dementia.
Falls, dementia and sight loss
People living with dementia and experiencing sight loss are at a significantly increased risk of falling and RNIB Scotland, along with allied health professionals in the NHS, has produced a practice note that supports staff to create an individualised action plan following a falls multi-factorial risk assessment. The resource outlines approaches to take to improve care and outcomes.
Social care dementia gateway
If you work with people with dementia in nursing, residential or domiciliary settings, you may find the Social Care Institute for Excellence’s Dementia Gateway useful. There are lots of practical tips, tools and activities that can help with your daily work. Each section has been written by a national dementia expert, so you can be sure the information and guidance are up to date and reflects best practice in dementia care.
Podcast resources
We have a selection of podcasts available for you to listen to here. We also offer some soundbites from podcasts developed for our training courses.