Seeing London’s streets differently
A video by the Londonist follows our Campaign Manager Hugh Huddy near our London office. It shows the challenges and difficulties faced by blind and partially sighted pedestrians when walking.

Dockless bikes obstruct the pavement. An undetectable kerb levelled flat with the road. A cycle path on the pavement which bypasses a bus stop, without a detectable kerb between pedestrians and cyclists. Or inaccessible crossings.
These are some of the difficulties which Hugh comes across, and which we frequently hear about from blind and partially sighted campaigners and members of the public. So we made this video with the Londonist to give blind and partially sighted people a voice, which usually isn’t heard.
Responses to the video
We’re really pleased by how the video has been received, and it shows the importance of hearing people speak up about their experiences.
Comments on the Londonist YouTube channel include:
“Well done Londonist! You are bringing light to a subject people never consider.”
“This is so important to take into account while planning roads / pavements.”
“Really interesting video. There's so much we sighted people just don't even think about in our environment.”
“Fantastic - well done! Such sensible advice to urban planners and all of us out there.”
“What a great video. I use a cane and fully agree. It’s not only bikes on pavements but also shop fronts that spill onto the street and other billboards etc. Also cars and vans parked on pavements.”
Seeing differently and recognising barriers to inclusion
We work to increase understanding so that people see differently about sight loss. It’s great that it’s having an effect, and that barriers to accessible walking can be better understood. You can hear more experiences of inaccessible streets, in a video we made for a previous campaign called Safe to Cross.
Being able to walk safely and make independent journeys is fundamental to being an active member of society. This is what inclusive street design needs to achieve.
What do you think?
Share the videos and let us know what you think on Twitter at @RNIB_Campaigns. You can also give us feedback at [email protected] or by calling our helpline on 0303 123 9999.