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RNIB calls for inclusive street design at LGA conference

Councillors from across the political spectrum, as well as local authority officials, heard our calls for inclusive street design at the Local Government Association (LGA) Annual Conference in Bournemouth last week.

RNIB Policy and Campaigns team hosted an exhibition stand at the event, engaging delegates with a quiz, concertina business cards, and booklets.

We also gave them samples of tactile maps for consultations and Simspecs, giving some insight into how blind and partially sighted people can be challenged by inaccessible environments.

We also spoke with councillors about key issues like the cost of living and accessible voting, demonstrating an audio-tactile voting device.

RNIB staff members attended conference events, developing key contacts, on a range of topics including raising issues around the impact of the cost of living on people with sight loss at a session on financial wellbeing.

Our delegates also attended a session on Active Travel, where panel members included Dame Jane Roberts, Chair of Living Streets, and Chris Boardman MBE. The panel discussed the challenge of reducing the number of car journeys taken to reduce carbon emissions. Jane Roberts highlighted the need for local government to do more to make streets safe and accessible for all.

Local Campaigns Manager, Lindsay Coyle, said “We had a successful time at the conference, making plenty of new valuable contacts who will strengthen our future campaigning work. We will be following up our discussions and contacts made with guest speakers, delegates, and fellow exhibitors over the coming days.”