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Partially sighted Redditch woman taking on marathon 2.6 Challenge for RNIB while undergoing cancer treatment

Redditch resident Lizzie Tovey is undertaking the incredible challenge of running and walking 26.2 miles between her fourth and fifth chemotherapy cycles for breast cancer.

She has vowed to complete the distance as part of the 2.6 Challenge, after she was forced to pull out of running her second Virgin Money London Marathon earlier this year after being diagnosed with an aggressive form of cancer.

Lizzie was set to run the marathon for sight loss charity the Royal National Institute of Blind People (RNIB) after she started losing her sight in her thirties. She now has limited central vision in her left eye and very little vision in her right eye caused by glaucoma, and was registered severely sight impaired in 2014.

Lizzie has received support from RNIB since losing her sight through the charity’s local support networks and has also had practical advice on adjusting to life with sight loss. She has given back to RNIB and other sight loss charities having previously run a marathon, four half marathons and a number of 10K races.

Lizzie said: “RNIB has always been there for me, so I wanted to give something back by running the London Marathon for them, until my diagnosis put a stop to that. Now, I’m going to complete the entire marathon distance between my fourth and fifth chemo cycles instead. My fourth cycle was on 23 April, so I have until my fifth cycle on 14 May to finish.

“This is a huge physical and mental challenge for me, especially as my chemo makes me feel unwell and exhausted afterwards, but I’m determined to do it.

“Walking and occasionally running on the treadmill, and doing virtual challenges, either on my own or with friends and guides has been a lifesaver. It’s motivated me to keep going and stay as strong as I possibly can.

“RNIB is doing amazing work to ensure that, during this incredibly challenging time, people have the help and support they need. But they need our help to continue that work, so please help if you can.”

The 2.6 Challenge has been organised by the London Marathon team after the event, which should have taken place on Sunday 26 April, was cancelled due to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic.

Originally aiming to raise £260 for RNIB, Lizzie has smashed her target, so far raising over £1,400. The money raised will help blind and partially sighted people stay safe, connected and able to access all the support available to them during the coronavirus pandemic.

Lizzi Wagner, RNIB Senior Challenge Events Manager, said: “Lizzie is undertaking a truly incredible fundraising effort, and we are so grateful to have her on Team RNIB for the 2.6 Challenge.

“This is a particularly challenging time for people living with sight loss, and the money raised by Lizzie will help us to provide support and advice to the over two million people living with sight loss in the UK.”

To support Lizzie on her 2.6 Challenge and support RNIB, please visit:

Notes to editors

All media enquiries to Laura Bridgman on 0207 391 2223 or [email protected]  Or, for urgent enquiries out-of-hours, please call 07968 482812.

About RNIB

We are the Royal National Institute of Blind People (RNIB).

Every six minutes, someone in the UK begins to lose their sight. RNIB is taking a stand against exclusion, inequality and isolation to create a world without barriers where people with sight loss can lead full lives. A different world where society values blind and partially sighted people not for the disabilities they’ve overcome, but for the people they are.

RNIB. See differently.

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