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Harbinder’s story reminds us how important it is to support women

Every year International Women's Day on 8 March reminds us how important it is to celebrate and support women’s achievements. For more than 100 years, International Women's Day has put the spotlight on issues affecting women all over the world.

Harbinder Khamba, age 55, from Harrow in South East England, was struggling to keep her spirits up after she lost her sight overnight following an accident. She felt lost, imagining that she was dealing with sight loss on her own.

Joining RNIB’s women’s group enabled her to connect with other blind and partially sighted women, and she didn’t need to struggle alone anymore. Attending the group has given her encouragement and motivation for the future.

“Shadine was running the group at the time; I didn’t feel that it was for me initially. I thought I don't want to talk to other people with sight loss, because it was just upsetting me. But I kept attending the fortnightly group and now I'm at a point where I just think:” This really is a Godsend.”

Harbinder smiling as she stands in a forest.

Motivation and encouragement from other women’s experiences

“I hear that these women are achieving so much and really dealing with their sight loss, and that gives me encouragement. One lady travels a lot, she's always going here, there and everywhere and I just think: “I'd like to get to a point where I'd be comfortable doing that.” So, it’s really good motivation for me. Some people, they're just amazing, you understand what they can achieve and then you just think, wow.”

RNIB’s Women’s group provides a safe space for women with sight loss to share experiences and provide emotional support. Please contact the Helpline to find out more.

Find out how to join RNIB’s other Talk and Support groups here.