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Change lives by leaving a gift in your will

Joyce, with text over

My name’s Joyce and I’m a long-standing supporter of RNIB - a charity extremely close to my heart. Moray, my husband of 18 years, lost his sight in his left eye and has reduced vision in the right due to congenital glaucoma. Jodie and Greg, our two children, were born with Leber’s Congenital Amaurosis, a condition which results in severe vision loss and many other knock-on effects. Greg sadly passed away six years ago, age 24, after a long battle with chronic kidney disease.

We have benefitted so much from RNIB’s services over the years. Jodie, now age 36, is registered blind and has a hearing impairment. Jodie attended university and now works for HMRC having previously worked as a Braille proof-reader. RNIB’s resources have made such a big difference to us in terms of school, personal life, independent living and much more. Jodie attended a youth club that was run by RNIB back in the day and we have really enjoyed using the Talking Books service. I want other people to get the same assistance - when they need it - long into the future.

I know first-hand how tough it can be finding out your child will be blind or experience sight loss. When I found out, I didn’t know what to do. Doctors couldn’t give us much information when Jodie was little, we were just told that she had a 'visual impairment.' It was only later, when Greg was a few months old, that we went back to the doctors and were told there may be a genetic link.

Knowing RNIB was there made such a big difference to me, especially when the kids were little. RNIB helps children thrive in school, adults pursue their career ambitions and is there to help people to follow the dreams they have for their life, whether that’s travelling, developing a passion for music, or giving people with sight loss a voice and their independence.

That’s why I’ve left a gift in my Will to RNIB. Every gift helps provide life-changing services to people affected by sight loss now - and in the years to come. Just imagine how much more it could do if everyone who could, chose to support RNIB in this very special way. I hope my gift helps others get the support they need in the future; it will give them somewhere to turn for help and ensure someone is there to listen.