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Translink paves the way
RNIB in Northern Ireland is praising Translink for ensuring tactile pavements exist across all its train stations and platforms to ensure the safety of its blind and partially sighted rail users.
Blind TV Licence concession made easier to access
A ground-breaking agreement between the Royal National Institute of Blind People (RNIB), TV Licensing and the Health and Social Care Board (HSCB) will make it much easier for people with severe sight impairment to access a blind concession TV Licence.
Organised face-to-face activities resume in the Coleraine area
The Royal National Institute of Blind People (RNIB), in partnership with Irish Bowls, has launched Dander Bowls - a walk and a chat followed by a game of bowls at Coleraine Bowls Club every Monday morning. It’s been a big hit with blind and partially sighted people in the area.
Great Grandma warns others not to take their eyesight for granted this Diabetes Week
There are now 100,000 people in Northern Ireland living with Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes.
NI Retailers Come Together to Support Customers with Sight Loss
Retail NI, the Federation of Small Businesses in NI and a wealth of local shops and businesses have mobilised alongside sight loss charity RNIB to ensure blind and partially sighted shoppers and patrons are protected at the present time.
RNIB Launch new Wellbeing Check-ins for Mental Health Awareness Week 2021
Adults and young people over the age of eleven, who are blind or partially sighted, and anyone in their support networks, can now avail of a one-off Mental Wellbeing Check-in as well as counselling or confidence-building programmes through the Need to Talk project, run by the charity RNIB in Northern Ireland.
Springhill Tesco customers help create a lifeline for people with sight loss during lockdown
Ken Carson and Pauline Canning from Bangor are on a fundraising mission to sponsor two new RNIB Talking Books for the 56,400 blind and partially sighted people in Northern Ireland, and many more across the UK, for years to come.
Working to ensure the vaccine programme is accessible for blind and partially sighted people
Health Minister Robin Swann has praised sight loss charities RNIB and Guide Dogs in Northern Ireland for creating advice for staff involved with administrating the coronavirus vaccine to blind and partially sighted people.
Asda pledges support to customers with sight loss
The Royal National Institute of Blind People (RNIB) has acknowledged the support of Asda in circulating RNIB’s best practice guidance to 140,000 staff across 640 UK-wide stores, 23 depots and three home offices.
Supporting people with sight loss into employment
Only one in four blind and partially sighted people of working age are in employment, but RNIB’s Eye Work Too programme is working to change that.