Your local Jobcentre will be able to help you look for work in your area. They advertise job opportunities online and also in the Jobcentre itself. If you need extra employment support because of your sight loss, the Jobcentre can put you in touch with one of their Disability Employment Advisors, sometimes called DEA's. They can help you find work or gain new skills even if you have been out of work for a long time, or if you have little or no work experience. It's well worth getting in touch with a DEA in your area to get some additional help with your job search.
You will probably have already met with a Careers Advisor as part of your transition review at school. However, you may wish to contact them again while you are at college or in university. They can help you:
- develop your CV
- search and apply for jobs
- understand the job market
- search for courses and training schemes
- find funding to support any learning
- identify your key strengths and skills
- explore your career options
- explore available support options
- choose training routes that fit your lifestyle
- develop an action plan to help you achieve your goals.