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Free directory enquiries - 195 service

Find out how you could use a free directory enquiries service if you are blind or partially sighted.

The 195 service

If you are unable to read or hold a telephone directory because of your sight loss or other disability, you can make use of a free directory enquiries service. You can use this service whether or not BT is your telephone company.

Once you have successfully signed up for the service, all you do is dial 195 and you can speak to an operator who will find the number you require. If you ask to be connected to the number you require, you will then be charged for the call you make according to the call package that you have with your provider.

How to sign up for the service

You need to fill out a simple application form. Call for free on 0800 587 0195 to ask for your form. As well as filling out details about yourself, you will also need someone like a doctor, nurse or another medical practitioner who knows you to countersign the form before you send it off.