Information and resources on parenting as a blind or partially sighted person, or parenting a child who is blind or partially sighted including practical tips, help and other parents' experiences.
In this section
Learn from blind and partially sighted mums about their experiences of pregnancy and becoming a new mum with sight loss.
Becoming a parent
Phil who is blind, talks about his thoughts before and after his daughter (aged 2) was born.
Financial support for parents
Find information on getting financial support for families of children with vision impairment.
Feeding and weaning
Read advice on different types of feeding and weaning for babies, infants and children with vision impairment.
Brothers and sisters
Find resources to help children better understand their siblings vision impairment and to explain their brother or sister's blind and partially sighted condition better.
Helping your child to communicate
Learn about approaches to help your child communicate and who to contact for support.
Resources for blind or partially sighted parents
We have a wealth of resources and advice available if you’re a blind or partially sighted parent to help support you and your family.
Parenting with sight loss: Mary's story
Mary, a mother of three children, shares her experiences as a blind parent.