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Promotion and career development

People with sight loss should be given the same opportunities to develop and progress in their career as sighted colleagues.

It's important that your employer offers you opportunities to learn new skills and knowledge that is relevant to your job. Nobody wants to feel stuck in their position with no possibility for growth and advancement.

If you are aware of a barrier that is stopping you moving on in your work, talk to your employer about it and you may be able to suggest possible solutions too. Don't let things like a driving licence being required for a particular role put you off applying for a post if a workable alternative can be found. A solution could be as simple as taxi support which can possibly be funded by Access to Work.

Inaccessible training is a commonly perceived barrier that can usually be overcome. It’s important to talk about any difficulties in advance of any training delivery. Simple solutions such as asking you for your preferred lighting and seating position, providing accessible notes in advance, describing what is on screen and people introducing themselves at the start of a session can make a difference.

Career progression can include formal opportunities such as work shadowing, secondment, seminars etc. However, access to informal career development is also important. This includes mentorship opportunities, networking events, online courses, internships and volunteering experiences. All these opportunities should be available and be delivered in an accessible way.

Any opportunities for career progression that require a formal application must have accessible options for applying so that you and colleagues with sight loss are not excluded.

Your employer may want to make career progression better for people with sight loss and won't want to waste talent or put off prospective applicants by not having an inclusive culture. Your manager might want to find workable solutions but may be uncomfortable discussing disability issues with you in case they cause offence, so pre-empting this can be a good strategy.