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Get support to stay in work

Every workplace is different and organisations will have procedures or rules to follow. Your company might have specialist services that can help you (for example, a human resources department) or you may be looking for advice from external sources.

Occupational health

Your employer may talk to you about occupational health services. They are often used to compare your skills and abilities to the tasks of jobs in your organisation. They can help an employer identify adjustments that work for you. However, people worry about having an occupational health assessment, particularly if it hasn’t been explained why one is taking place. It would be useful if you could speak to your line manager to discuss why a referral is being made and what you both want to achieve from it.

Human resources

If you work for a larger organisation, there will be a human resources (HR) team who can offer you support and advice. There may also be specialist Diversity or Disability Officers who will be able to assist you.

Trade union

Trade union representatives can offer you support and advice and can support you at meetings. Check your company’s policies to find out when it is appropriate for a trade union representative to attend.

Local societies for people with sight loss

Local societies offer various services for people with sight loss and can offer support with issues outside work. The RNIB Helpline 0303 123 9999 can put you in touch with your local society or you can visit for details of your local sight loss charity.

RNIB Helpline

You can get information and advice by calling the RNIB Helpline on 0303 123 9999 or email [email protected].

Support leaving your job

Sometimes people don't stay in employment and their job ends. The law states that it is unfair to dismiss someone on the grounds of their disability, and that an employer must not discriminate. But what if you can’t continue in employment? In some instances, your contract might come to an end. Or you decide that you aren’t able to return to work. There may, for example, be too much change happening in your life and you need time away from work and want to leave.

However, people often tell us that they wish they hadn’t left work when they did. If you do want to leave work, you might want to raise this with your employer. Perhaps, for example, medical retirement or redundancy are possible, although you do need to be aware that volunteering to leave your role may mean you miss out on a financial settlement.

Leaving employment should be the last resort and you should first have fully discussed support at work with your employer. This might include considering any adjustments to workplaces and workplace practices, role changes and ensuring external support has been looked into. Before leaving your job, please get advice from ACAS or your local Citizen's Advice Bureau and, if applicable, your pension provider.