Volunteering remotely
Volunteering from home can create some real challenges. We want you to feel fulfilled by your volunteering, so here are some ideas to help you remain connected with your volunteer manager and the wider team, while enjoying the experience of volunteering remotely.

Create a workspace
Find a comfortable and dedicated space to do your volunteering. Consider privacy if you are required to have any confidential conversations. Once you’ve finished volunteering, clear away or tidy your space to signify the end of the "working day".
Have a routine
Where appropriate, try to replicate your remote volunteering routine as if you were going to your usual volunteering location. Get up at a set time and get ready as usual, keeping to a daily routine where possible.
Structure your day
Manage your time so that you’re not exceeding your volunteering commitment. Factor in times for different tasks and don’t forget a lunch break, other regular breaks and getting outside.
Stay connected
Make use of digital technology to explore ideas such as virtual coffee breaks, or group chats, with your volunteer manager or team. Make sure you have regular check-ins with your volunteer manager, and use the time to discuss what you need to do, what support you need and how you’re managing with volunteering remotely.
Take regular breaks
It’s important to not stay glued to your laptop or workstation but to have frequent breaks. Replicate what you’d do in an office environment, such as popping to the kitchen for a drink and taking a quick break. Send your volunteer manager a little message and check in with them to replace those passing conversations you may have had in the office.
Keep in touch
So much of our wellbeing while volunteering remotely depends on us feeling connected to others. Your volunteer manager will be keeping in touch with you and updating you, but if you’d like to get in touch with another member of the team, then please call the Volunteering Team who will be happy to help you. They can be contacted on: 0303 123 9999 (option 4) or email [email protected].
Keep up to date with each month’s Volunteer News. This is where you’ll find out news about volunteering and it’s available in your preferred format. You’ll find the most recent version here. You can also follow RNIB on social media to feel more connected to our news, fundraising and campaigns. You’ll find us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.
Employee and Volunteer Assistance Programme - helpline for volunteers
Our Employee and Volunteer Assistance Programme provides practical and emotional support and advice for you and your immediate family members (living in the same household). It is a free, confidential and independent service, delivered by Health Assured. EVAP can be accessed 24/7 via several routes, including:
- Phoning 0800 028 0199 (or +44 161 836 9498 from outside the UK).
- Visiting the Health Assured website and use RNIB’s access code MHA064637 to sign up.