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RNIB and People’s Postcode Lottery

Since 2018, players of the People’s Postcode Lottery have raised over £12.9m to support our vital work.

Hazel in her kitchen smiling brightly.

Players are helping us to trial innovation and interventions, research, and help support the wider community through our employment and reading services. Together we are changing society and helping others to see differently.

Hazel's story: How our support helped her find her own voice by helping others

Hazel, who lives in Edinburgh, Scotland, was driving a car when she noticed her vision had become blurry: "I had difficulty looking at traffic signs. I went into a local optician and they informed me that I needed to see a specialist."

She was diagnosed with Fuchs Endothelial Corneal Dystrophy, Band Keratopathy and Macular Hole. Hazel got in touch with RNIB after her first operation: "I realised that I was struggling to do simple things. I could not even walk home on my own. RNIB has been incredibly helpful during this difficult period. After attending an RNIB Living Well with Sight Loss course, I had an idea to organise my own social group for people with visual impairment in Corstorphine (in Edinburgh)."

She explains: "I felt that I lost my voice when I was diagnosed with visual impairment. By setting up a social group with the support from RNIB, I get to help others and I found my voice again in the process."

Hazel adds: “I would encourage anyone to get involved and volunteer for RNIB. The charity has made a lot of difference for people with sight loss. I would advise anyone who has been affected with visual impairment to reach out to RNIB and accept the help that they offer. RNIB will always be there if you ever need help.”

People’s Postcode Lottery – money for good causes

Thank you to those who play the People’s Postcode Lottery for your ongoing support of RNIB. We are grateful to receive funding through the Postcode Care Trust which enables RNIB to make a difference to the lives of blind and partially sighted people .

If you would like to help support RNIB by playing People’s Postcode Lottery, you can sign up today to play with your postcode.

How People's Postcode Lottery works

  • People’s Postcode Lottery manages lotteries on behalf of 20 Postcode Trusts. People play with their chosen postcodes for a chance to win cash prizes.
  • A minimum of 32 percent from each subscription goes directly to charities and good causes in Britain and internationally. Players have raised more than £1.5 billion so far. The People's Postcode Lottery website has details of the charities and good causes which are promoting and benefitting from the lottery draws.
  • It costs £12.25 a month to play and winning postcodes are announced every day. The maximum amount a single ticket can win is 10 per cent of the draw proceeds. You can find out more details online.
  • New players can sign up to pay using direct debit by calling 0808 109 8765. New players who sign up online at can pay using direct debit, debit card or PayPal.
  • Postcode Lottery Limited is regulated by the Gambling Commission under licence numbers: 000-000829-N-102511 and 000-000829-R-102513. Registered office: 2nd Floor,31 Chertsey Street, Guildford, Surrey, England, GU1 4HD.
Two logos, side by side, with text above which reads ‘supported by People’s Postcode Lottery’ and ‘awarded by funds from Postcode Care Trust’.