- You acknowledge that you will be contacted by email, phone, SMS and post in relation to the London Marathon, ensuring RNIB can deliver the necessary administration and communication required to complete your successful participation in the event.
- You acknowledge that you will be contacted by RNIB’s training provider Full Potential by email and phone with regards to your training and participation in the London Marathon, ensuring they can deliver the necessary training support required for your successful participation in the event. Please see https://www.fullpotential.co.uk/privacy-policy for more information.
- You acknowledge this is a fundraising event and commit to raise the minimum sponsorship pledge of £2,000, excluding any Gift Aid or employer match giving.
- When fundraising, you will act lawfully and follow the fundraising guidelines given by the RNIB. You must make it clear you are fundraising in "aid of RNIB" and are not representing on behalf of RNIB. You must not do anything that may harm the reputation of RNIB or act in a manner contrary to our values.
- For any independent fundraising events that you carry out to raise funds (for example a cake sale or pub quiz), you acknowledge that you are carrying such events out in your own capacity. It's your responsibility to organise all aspects of such event and make it clear that such event is run by you "in aid of" RNIB and is not run by RNIB. You also agree to make it clear that such event is not "on behalf of RNIB" and that RNIB will not accept any responsibility or liability for such event. If you wish to use RNIB's logo, please contact the RNIB Challenge Events team who can provide an "in aid of" logo. You also must comply with any local restrictions or government guidelines on coronavirus and social distancing.
- You agree to secure a licence from the relevant local authority before collecting funds on the street or in a public place. You acknowledge you are responsible for obtaining any such licence and this is not the responsibility of RNIB.
- You agree to send all sponsorship funds collected or raised to RNIB no later than six weeks after the event.
- You agree to ensure any cheques relating to your sponsorship are made payable to RNIB and sent to the RNIB Challenge Events team with the event name, your full name, address and supporter reference number.
- When fundraising, you will make your donors aware that a proportion of the money you raise will go towards paying for your place in the event. (RNIB carefully budget to ensure that as long as you meet or exceed your pledge, we will make a profit in your participation in the event. However, it is critical you make your donors aware of this. The costs vary for each event; please contact the RNIB Challenge Events team for further information.)
- You will take responsibility for registering your contact details with the third-party event organiser if required. Failure to do so will mean you cannot take part in the event. If this is necessary, we will inform you well in advance of what action is required.
- If you have to withdraw prior to the event, you must notify the RNIB Event Team immediately and before the registration deadline if possible. This means we can re-allocate your place to someone else. Any money raised will be retained as a donation towards RNIB. If you wish to refund your donors in this instance, you must ask your individual donors to make a written request to RNIB, as they will be refunded directly.
- If you have to defer your place, you must notify the RNIB Events Team immediately. Due to the limited numbers of places we have in future London Marathon events we are unable to guarantee we can defer your place. We will need to take every request on a case by case basis as and when they are received.
- You acknowledge that RNIB will share your contact details with the organisers of the London Marathon. We will never share your data with any other third parties or used in any other way, unless you agree.
- The event which you are registering for is physically challenging and may pose a risk of discomfort, illness, injury, and even death. You need to be satisfied that you are physically capable of doing the event without undue risk to your health or life. We do not conduct health or fitness checks on entrants and the responsibility for your ability to participate in the event is with you as the participant.
- If you have a medical condition or are unsure of your physical ability to take part in the event, you must seek medical advice from a general practitioner prior to the participating in the event.
- You acknowledge that RNIB is unable to provide insurance for fundraising activity, and that you are responsible for securing appropriate insurance cover if required for your fundraising activity.
- You acknowledge that you are fully responsible for your participation in the event and RNIB does not accept responsibility or liability for any loss or damage arising from the event.
- You acknowledge that any photography or film footage taken as part of your participation in the event can be used for promotional and marketing purposes for this event and any future RNIB events activity. If you’d prefer your image not to be used, please make the RNIB events team aware.
- You will ensure all correspondence regarding your event participation is directed to [email protected] or 0303 123 9999.
Challenge event participants: Terms and conditions
Every day, 250 people in the UK start to lose their sight. By running and fundraising for RNIB, you'll help us support more people to live independent and confident lives, while breaking down the barriers faced by people with sight loss for good. Read our terms and conditions below to find out more.
On this page:
- RNIB charity participant terms and conditions
- London Marathon Charity Place Terms and Conditions
- Own place participant terms and conditions
RNIB charity participant terms and conditions
This section is for participants who want to sign up for an event with RNIB. By registering for a guaranteed RNIB charity place you are agreeing to the below terms and conditions.
These cover all events listed below:
- Bath Half Marathon
- Brighton Marathon
- Brighton 10K
- Cardiff Half Marathon
- Edinburgh 5K
- Edinburgh 10K
- Edinburgh Half Marathon
- Edinburgh Marathon
- Great North Run
- Great Wall of China Trek
- Hackney Half Marathon
- Kiltwalks
- London 10K
- London Landmarks Half Marathon
- London to Brighton Cycle
- Mount Kilimanjaro Trek
- Oxford Half Marathon
- Royal Parks Half Marathon
- Saharan Mini Adventure
- Sheffield 10K
- Skydives (Big Jump)
- Ultra Challenge Series
- Virtual London Marathon
- You acknowledge that you will be contacted by email, phone, SMS and post in relation to the specific event you have registered for, ensuring RNIB can deliver the necessary administration and communication required to complete your successful participation in the event.
- You acknowledge the registration fee you have paid is non-refundable and cannot be used towards your sponsorship pledge.
- You acknowledge this is a fundraising event and commit to raise the minimum sponsorship pledge outlined for the specific event, excluding any Gift Aid or employer match giving. The exact pledge amount will be specified when you register on the website and in your welcome email and letter.
- When fundraising, you will act lawfully and follow the fundraising guidelines given by the RNIB. You must make it clear you are fundraising in ‘aid of RNIB’ and are not representing on behalf of RNIB. You must not do anything that may harm the reputation of RNIB or act in a manner contrary to our values.
- For any independent fundraising events that you carry out to raise funds, (e.g. cake sale, pub quiz etc.) you acknowledge that you are carrying such events out in your own capacity. It's your responsibility to organise all aspects of such event and make it clear that such event is run by you "in aid of" RNIB and is not run by RNIB. You also agree to make it clear that such event is not "on behalf of RNIB" and that RNIB will not accept any responsibility or liability for such event. If you wish to use RNIB's logo, please contact the RNIB challenge events team who can provide an "in aid of" logo.
- You agree to secure a licence from the relevant local authority before collecting funds on the street or in a public place. You acknowledge you are responsible for obtaining any such licence and this is not the responsibility of RNIB.
- You agree to send all sponsorship funds collected or raised to RNIB no later than 6 weeks after the event.
- You agree to ensure any cheques relating to your sponsorship are made payable to RNIB and sent to the RNIB Events team with the event name, your full name, address and supporter reference number.
- When fundraising, you will make your donors aware that a proportion of the money you raise will go towards paying for your place in the event. (RNIB carefully budget to ensure that as long as you meet or exceed your pledge, we will make a profit on your participation in the event. However it is critical you make your donors aware of this. The costs vary for each event; please contact the RNIB challenge events team for further information).
- You will take responsibility for registering your contact details with the 3rd party event organiser if required. Failure to do so will mean you cannot take part in the event. If this is necessary, we will inform you well in advance of what action is required.
- If you have to withdraw prior to the event, you must notify RNIB immediately and before the registration deadline if possible. This means we can re-allocate your place to someone else. Any money raised will be retained as a donation towards RNIB. If you wish to refund your donors in this instance, you must ask your individual donors to make a written request to RNIB, as they will be refunded directly.
- You acknowledge that RNIB will share your contact details with the organiser of the event or 3rd party organiser of the event in which you are taking part. We will never share your data with any other third parties or used in any other way, unless you agree.
- If you have signed up for an event which is managed through one of our event suppliers Run for Charity, you acknowledge that we will share your contact details with them to enable your registration to the event organisers console. This information is shared securely and is deleted immediately after your details have been added.
- The event which you are registering for is physically challenging and may pose a risk of discomfort, illness, injury, and even death. You need to be satisfied that you are physically capable of doing the event without undue risk to your health or life. We do not conduct health or fitness checks on entrants and the responsibility for your ability to participate in the event is with you as the participant.
- If you have a medical condition or are unsure of your physical ability to take part in the event, you must seek medical advice from a general practitioner prior to the participating in the event.
- You acknowledge RNIB is unable to provide insurance for fundraising activity, and you are responsible for securing appropriate insurance cover if required for your fundraising activity.
- You acknowledge you are fully responsible for your participation in the Event and RNIB does not accept responsibility or liability for any loss or damage arising from the Event.
- You acknowledge that any photography or film footage taken as part of your participation in the event can be used for promotional and marketing purposes for this specific event and any future RNIB events activity.
- You will ensure all correspondence regarding your event participation is directed to [email protected] or 0303 123 9999.
Below you can find the terms and conditions for specific events. These terms and conditions only apply to participants who want to sign up for an event with RNIB, by registering for a guaranteed RNIB charity place.
Any questions?
Any questions? We'd love to hear from you! Call us on our fundraising line 0303 123 9999 or drop us an email at [email protected]. Alternatively, fill out our contact form below.

Hundreds of runners taking part in a marathon. Anna, a runner in a pink RNIB shirt, has her arms raised in celebration.
Own place participant terms and conditions
This section is for participants who already have a place in their chosen event, but want to raise funds for RNIB. By registering as an own place participant with RNIB you are agreeing to the below terms and conditions.
- You acknowledge that you will be contacted by email, phone, SMS and post in relation to the specific event you have registered for, ensuring RNIB can deliver the necessary administration and communication required to complete your successful participation in the event.
- If running the London Marathon with Team RNIB you acknowledge that you will be contacted by RNIB’s training provider Full Potential by email and phone with regards to your training and participation in this specific event you have registered for, ensuring they can deliver the necessary training support required for your successful participation in the event. Please see Full Potentials privacy policy for more information.
- You confirm you have secured your own place in your chosen event directly with the third party event organiser. Please note: This is not applicable if you have been asked to pay a registration fee to RNIB to secure your place or if you’re organising your own challenge (including Take on 250 for RNIB).
- You acknowledge this is a fundraising event and will aim to raise as much as you can for RNIB.
- When fundraising, you will act lawfully and follow the fundraising guidelines given by the RNIB. You must make it clear you are fundraising in "aid of RNIB" and are not representing on behalf of RNIB. You must not do anything that may harm the reputation of RNIB or act in a manner contrary to our values.
- For any independent fundraising events that you carry out to raise funds, (e.g. cake sale, pub quiz etc.) you acknowledge that you are carrying such events out in your own capacity. It's your responsibility to organise all aspects of such event and make it clear that such event is run by you "in aid of" RNIB and is not run by RNIB. You also agree to make it clear that such event is not "on behalf of RNIB" and that RNIB will not accept any responsibility or liability for such event. If you wish to use RNIB's logo, please contact the RNIB challenge events team who can provide an "in aid of" logo.
- You agree to secure a licence from the relevant local authority before collecting funds on the street or in a public place. You acknowledge you are responsible for obtaining any such licence and this is not the responsibility of RNIB.
- You agree to send all sponsorship funds collected or raised to RNIB no later than six weeks after the event.
- You agree to ensure any cheques relating to your sponsorship are made payable to RNIB and sent to the RNIB Events team with the event name, your full name, address and supporter reference number.
- If you chose a minimum sponsorship option when securing your place with the third party event organiser or RNIB, you will make your donors aware that a proportion of the money you raise will go towards paying for your place in the event. (RNIB carefully budget to ensure that as long as you meet or exceed your pledge, we will make a profit on your participation in the event. However it is critical you make your donors aware of this. The costs vary for each event; please contact the RNIB challenge events team for further information).
- You will take responsibility for registering your contact details with the third party event organiser if required. Failure to do so will mean you cannot take part in the event.
- If you have to withdraw prior to the event, you must notify RNIB immediately. Any money raised will be retained as a donation towards RNIB. If you wish to refund your donors in this instance, you must ask your individual donors to make a written request to RNIB, as they will be refunded directly.
- The event which you are registering for is physically challenging and may pose a risk of discomfort, illness, injury, and even death. You need to be satisfied that you are physically capable of doing the event without undue risk to your health or life. We do not conduct health or fitness checks on entrants and the responsibility for your ability to participate in the event is with you as the participant.
- If you have a medical condition or are unsure of your physical ability to take part in the event, you must seek medical advice from a general practitioner prior to the participating in the event.
- You acknowledge RNIB is unable to provide insurance for fundraising activity, and you are responsible for securing appropriate insurance cover if required for your fundraising activity.
- You acknowledge you are fully responsible for your participation in the Event and RNIB does not accept responsibility or liability for any loss or damage arising from the Event.
- You acknowledge that any photography or film footage taken or shared with us as part of your participation in the event can be used for promotional and marketing purposes for this specific event and any future RNIB events activity.
- You will ensure all correspondence regarding your event participation is directed to [email protected] or 0303 123 9999.