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Take on 250 for RNIB

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Take on 250
Take on 250
  • Starts: Monday, 1 January 2024
  • Ends: Tuesday, 31 December 2024
  • Region: All

Are you ready to Take on 250 for RNIB?

Every day in the UK, 250 people begin to lose their sight. That's why we're asking you to Take on 250 for RNIB.

Take on your own challenge and get that great sense of achievement, while helping us smash the barriers faced by people with sight loss.

Choose a new challenge or take on something you love and complete 250 of whatever you decide. You can Take on 250 as an individual or with a team of friends, your family or colleagues.

Whatever you do, join us and make a big difference to people facing sight loss in the UK.

I had always wanted to give yoga a try and this challenge gave me the motivation to actually do it. I loved it – it really helped my focus and wellbeing, and I raised money for a very important cause at the same time. A win win!

Eleanor (who completed 250 hours of yoga for Take on 250)

How it works:

  • Choose your challenge. It really could be anything: walking or running; cycling or swimming; dancing or singing; knitting or cake-baking. It's all up for grabs!
  • Decide your 250 goal: it could be 250 minutes, involve 250 steps or laps, 250 repetitions or creating 250 items.
  • Pick a timeframe that suits you – do it all in one go, spread it across a month or even complete your challenge over the year.
  • Choose your own fundraising target. If you can, we suggest you aim to raise £250. But the final amount is up to you. Just raise as much as you can!

Get inspired and choose your challenge

Challenge inspiration

The possibilities are endless for your Take on 250 challenge. Below are some ideas to get you started, whatever your age, interests, or fitness levels:

  • Bake 250 cupcakes
  • Run or walk 250 laps of your local park
  • Build a 250cm Lego tower
  • Do 250 minutes of yoga
  • Cycle 250 miles
  • Knit 250 items
  • Complete 250 laps of an assault course in your garden
  • Climb your stairs 250 times
  • Complete 250,000 steps over three weeks
  • Sing 250 song requests
  • Swim 250 laps of your local swimming pool

Download our fundraising ideas accessible PDF

How your fundraising helps

Every day, 250 people in the UK start losing their sight. We want to make sure no one faces a diagnosis alone and that people with sight loss can live in a world with no barriers.

Just £50 can help someone who is coming to terms with their sight loss, providing emotional and practical support from an expert Sight Loss Advisor. Join us to Take on 250 for RNIB and make every day better for people living with sight loss.

Any questions?

We’d love to hear from you! Call us on our fundraising line 0330 002 0051 or drop us an email at [email protected].