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Counselling Insight Project

  • Starts: Wednesday, 22 November 2023
  • Ends: Wednesday, 27 March 2024
  • Duration: Training takes place over a two day period, choose the dates that suit you.
  • Region: Northern Ireland
  • Delivery method: Face-to-face

If you’re a counsellor, our free accredited training can help you support children and young people with the emotional impact of sight loss as they journey through school.

Working with the Department of Health in Northern Ireland, we’re delivering free specialist accredited training as a two-day course, to qualified school counselling practitioners. Delivered by RNIB’s BACP accredited counsellors – with in-depth experience –this training will equip delegates with the skills and expertise to help young people with a vision impairment, get the emotional support they deserve to enable them to thrive.

Training dates 2023

  • 22 and 23 November
  • 28 and 29 December

Training dates 2024

  • 14 and 15 February
  • 26 and 27 March

Just choose a date that suits you and register via email.

Led by RNIB NI, in partnership with Guide Dogs NI, the Counselling Insight Project is a two-year venture backed by £80,207 of funding from the Department of Health Mental Health Fund, administered by Community Foundation NI.

Register now

To find out more and book your place, email our project team at [email protected].