Campaign resources
If you're interested in campaigning for positive change for blind and partially sighted people, we've got some great free resources you can use locally or nationally.

You can also get involved by supporting our current campaigns or by taking on a volunteer campaigning role.
Get involved
Our network of campaign supporters work alongside our regional campaign staff across the UK to challenge inequality and work towards an accessible and inclusive society for all. Contact the campaigns team in your area or find out more about our current campaigning activity.
Volunteer campaigning opportunities
Our Volunteer Campaign Coordinators push for improvements to local services and also support our national campaigns. We offer training and you'll meet other people with sight loss interested in campaigning. We'll work with you on campaign strategy and make sure you can reach decision makers. See our volunteer campaigning opportunities.
How to campaign guides
Our guides are a great starting point for anyone looking to campaign. Use these tools to promote RNIB campaigns in your local area.
- Five golden rules of effective campaigning (Word)
- Working with your MP (Word)
- Lobby your local council (Word)
- How to use your local media (Word)
- How to influence your local health service (Word)
- An introduction to the Equality Act 2010 (Word)
Our toolkits provide more detailed information on important issues. They provide practical advice and include resources to help you take action.
Equality Act Toolkit
The Equality Act 2010 is designed to protect you from unfair treatment and to create a more equal society; no one should face discrimination because of their sight loss. RNIB and the Guide Dogs for the Blind Association have produced an Equality Act toolkit which includes information about your rights under the Act, as well as details of the most effective way to challenge discrimination where you have been refused access to a service because you have a guide dog.
For people in Northern Ireland, the Disability Discrimination Act applies:
- Download our Disability Discrimination Act toolkit (PDF)
- Download our Disability Discrimination Act toolkit (Word)
Accessible Information Standard toolkit
The NHS Accessible Information Standard came into force in 2016 and should ensure blind and partially sighted people can access their health information in a format they can read. Our toolkit includes a guide to requesting health information in your format, template letters and general advice on raising a complaint.
Reporting Inaccessible Websites toolkit
From September 2020, Web Accessibility Regulations means that there is an obligation for public sector websites and apps to be accessible. Under the Equality Act 2010, service providers are required to make “reasonable adjustments” to the way they provide their services, which includes providing information in accessible formats.
Our toolkit explains the current law as it applies to public and non-public websites. It outlines the steps you can take to complain about inaccessible websites and includes letter templates.