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Our strategy

An older man with short grey hair, wearing a blue puffer jacket, brown trousers and brown shoes and holding a cane holds hands with an older woman with shoulder length blonde hair, she's wearing a white long puffer coat, a tan skirt, and brown knee length boots and has a red crossbody bag on. Both people are walking down a pavement next to a road. On the right hand side of the picture is a stationary green bike.

At RNIB, our strategy is clear: to ensure everyone with sight loss can live the life they want to lead, without limits.

Our ambitious strategy is designed to inspire and drive meaningful change. We want everyone to understand sight loss and to celebrate the capabilities and contributions of blind and partially sighted people.

To do this, we need everybody to care about, and prioritise eye health. We need more focus on accessibility and inclusion in every project, service, or process. We need more people and communities to campaign with us, help break down barriers and drive social change for a better future that is inclusive by default, not demand.

How we’ve designed our strategy

We used a vast range of insight and worked with blind and partially sighted people to find three main focus areas that will have the largest impact on ensuring equity in all aspects of life.

We’ve set 10-year ambitions - with medium-term 3-year targets to keep us focused.

Our strategy

Three main focus areas

Eye health and eye care

10-year ambition: 100 percent of secondary eye care patients are offered practical and emotional support.

By 2027:

  • 33 percent of Health Boards/Integrated Care Boards will have integrated the Eye Care Support Pathway into their plans.
  • 75 percent of people with long term eye health conditions are offered person-centred practical and emotional support.
  • 33 percent of people with treatable eye health conditions are offered person-centred, practical, and emotional support.
  • More people with treatable eye health conditions are offered appropriate person-centred intervention to prevent avoidable sight loss.
  • 33 percent of people have equity of access to information and understand the importance of eye care, know how to take care of their eyes, and overcome barriers to accessing treatment and support.

Skills and tools for life

10-year ambition: Everyone with sight loss has access to the practical, technology and psychological skills for day-to-day life

By 2027:

  • Public awareness of post-diagnosis support will have increased.
  • We’ll have led on developing a framework to show successful outcomes.
  • Everyone who loses their sight - and needs support to re-learn skills - will get access to vision rehabilitation.
  • More people with sight loss will report increased skills for everyday living
  • There will be a sustainable funding model for vision rehabilitation with the right government funding.
An older white woman with long dark brown hair stands over a teenage girl in a school uniform and glasses, sat at a blue desk with a red braille typewriter on it. The woman shows her how to use the typewriter.

Getting around

10-year ambition: Everyone with sight loss can make spontaneous journeys and travel the way they want to

By 2027:

  • More public spaces and transport will be designed accessibly.
  • There will be boosted investment in the UK in transport accessibility.
  • There will be more investment in navigation tools and solutions for people with sight loss.

Secondary impact areas

Focusing on the three main areas will have a positive impact on other areas of our work:

  • Employment and financial inclusion
  • Education and habilitation
  • Leisure and volunteering
  • Relationships and social networks
  • Societal change

Supporting the strategy through effective engagement

We’ll improve understanding of sight loss, and support for RNIB, by mobilising individuals and their communities to care about sight loss and take action. We’ll drive growth in our impact and income by delivering outstanding customer experiences.