Parenting a child with a vision impairment

In this section, we have information, resources and advice on how you can support a child or young person with sight loss.
In this section
Information for parents of children with vision impairment
Based on what parents would like to know, this section includes practical advice, ideas and contacts for parents and families of children with vision impairment.
Messy and Muddy - a guide to outdoor play
For children with sight loss, playing outside provides the perfect opportunity to stay healthy, have fun and learn more about the world. Our Messy and Muddy guide gives different ways to make the most out of opportunities for outdoor play with your child.
Encouraging independence
Find out more about how to support children with vision impairment to perform the routine activities of daily living, such as moving around, washing and dressing.
Parties and Playdates
Read our Parties and Playdates guide for activities and adaptations to make social activities accessible for children with vision impairments.
Short breaks or shared care
Short breaks or shared care is a way of getting a break from looking after your child. It gives you the chance to relax or spend time with others, knowing that your child is in safe hands.
Parent Pathways
Parent Pathways is a free and informal service for parents and carers whose child has recently been diagnosed with vision impairment, or who want to find out more about the different support that’s available.
Book a Parent Pathways course
To book onto RNIB's Living Well with Sight Loss Parent Pathways course, please complete the form below.
Family support and events
RNIB Shape and Share events bring children and young people with a vision impairment and their families together for peer support, to share experiences and take part in fun activities virtually via Microsoft Teams.
Books, toys, and accessible learning
Find out what resources are available to support your child's development and create a fun and engaging learning experience.
How to make celebrations accessible for all the family
Find out how to make cultural and religious celebrations accessible and fun for children and young people with vision impairment.
Take a look at our Living Well with Sight Loss Parent Pathway course
Parent Pathways
Parent Pathways is a free and informal service for parents and carers whose child has recently been diagnosed with vision impairment, or who want to find out more about the different support that’s available.